While you may be able to buy the funds/products physically, or through your broking platform for your clients, you may not be able to get the proper service and support in a cost-effective and efficient manner as Nexus offers. Also, the execution platform may not be as intuitive as Moneybase Nexus. (Sign-up and Try Moneybase Nexus for free)
More importantly, one may not be able to open an account anywhere else in the same seamless manner as one does through Moneybase platforms. With Moneybase’s advanced technology, one can open an account online within a few minutes, and get access to different asset classes and can start investing in domestic and global funds. We are also striving to make it a multi-asset class platform – meaning, you can distribute Corporate FDs, Insurances, and other products/services through Moneybase Nexus in the near future thereby expanding your product vertical and opening multiple revenue verticals for yourself.