Affected by COVID-19 pandemic? Read More

Affected by COVID-19 pandemic?
( 2 minutes read )

Year 2020 has so far not been that great to many. For some, the fear of un-known is quickly grappling the thoughts. All around the world, the news of COVID19 infected numbers, deaths and uncertainty about the future are looming. Apart from handling the treatments and giving care to those infected and their families, governments across the globe are staring at the economic downturn, loss in tax revenues and the most disturbing factor – job loss to their citizens and the resultant civic unrest and riots! For millions, this pandemic has resulted in loss of life of their near and dear ones, job loss and displacement.

In India, even though companies are struggling to revive themselves post the nation-wide lockdown, they were supportive enough to extend the salaries to their employees for the last 2 months. But now, the future being uncertain, many companies will be forced to go ahead with job-cuts (we have started seeing that recently) in order for them to survive. Needless to say, it will surely put a dent on the lifestyle of those people who lose their jobs.

We at Moneybase are trying to find a solution to this big issue. Luckily for us, because being digital, we were able to render our services without any problems. Before the lockdown, all our team members shifted to “work-from-home”, and we continued to service our clients remotely with the help of our Digital Platforms. Needless to say, our business has strengthened in the last few months and so did our revenues. By God’s grace, we were able to pay full salaries to all our employees in the past and hope to continue to do so in the future also.

More importantly, we noticed that our productivity has improved manifolds. The stress and strain of the daily commute and related disorientation – which were the main culprits to productivity loss – were arrested and it helped improve the morale of the employees. Less working hours and improved productivity is the key to our success now. Most importantly, our Financial Professional Partners also enjoyed the benefits. For them, the servicing cost diminished by more than 80% and income has improved by 100%. They were able to extend their service to clients from the comfort of their home. All credits goes to the Digital business.

Not many are lucky like our team members. We have seen people who have taken pay cuts and some who have lost their jobs because of the extended lockdown. The most affected being the NRIs/NRKs, bankers who have lost their jobs and are struggling to meet their needs. For them, we are sure that Moneybase can be their short, medium or long-term solution. We will help set-up their financial service platform. Know more about Moneybase and Nexus

As a courtesy, we are happy to extend 100% revenue sharing (net of GST) to those mentioned above for a period of 3 months from the date of their empanelment (post certification). We sincerely hope that this gesture will help them set up the business base. Additionally, we will reimburse their initial license fee* (applicable only for individual Financial Professionals) for getting the AMFI license, by adjusting it against the future revenue share, distributed over the 1st year. (To know more, talk to our Nexus Partner Manager).

Our intention is to create and support a stream of Wealth Financial Professionals/ Mutual Fund Distributors who will help expand this industry and at the same time, provide for themselves and help them become Entrepreneurs in true sense.

So, if you know someone who needs support or if you are the one about whom we were talking about, we can surely help you in building a mutual fund distribution business. Let’s rewrite year 2020 together! Join our Nexus Partner Initiative